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Dream a Dream
More than just a theme song...

The song Dream a Dream, written by Ed Robertson, was chosen by our founders, Bob Crowder and Brad Peterson, as the theme song of the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale and has been a staple in our repertoire ever since. For more than 45 years, generations of singers have sung the song to countless audiences around the globe. As the singers take the hands of their audience members and look them in the eyes, they sing of their dream for a brighter tomorrow full of love, unity, peace, and harmony.
"Dream a dream of a new tomorrow
when the people learn to love
their fellow man.
Dare to hope for a peaceful morning
when we've learned to walk together hand in hand."
- Ed Robertson, dream a dream
A way to be together.
At the start of the global pandemic in 2020, members of the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale sent in recordings of themselves singing Dream a Dream as a way to stay connected and to create music together. Despite distance and adversity, the human desire for community and art kept our Chorale Family united. We are grateful that we can sing Dream a Dream to our live audiences again, but you can still hear this special rendition of Dream a Dream below.